Analisis Teks Yosua Pasal 12 dan 13 Tentang Penaklukan Bangsa-Bangsa di Tanah Kanaan

  • Stefanus Maurits Limpele Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Abdi Allah Mojokerto
  • Rosnila Hura Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Abdi Allah Mojokerto
Keywords: Joshua Chapters 12 and 13, Conquest of Nations



When the Israelites came out of Egypt, the Lord led them back into the land of Canaan according to the promise God made to their ancestors. That promise was fulfilled during the reign of Joshua. So in the book of Joshua chapter 12 tells about the kings who were defeated during the reign of Moses and Joshua and the distribution of the promised land to the tribes of Israel. Meanwhile, Joshua chapter 13 tells of the lands that were left behind and had not been conquered by Joshua after he grew old and advanced in age. In addition, this chapter gives another account of Moses' conquest of Sihon and Og and the division of the land of Canaan to the tribes of Israel. Moses repeatedly told the Israelites about the land of Canaan to remind them that God was faithful to his promises to His chosen people. But there are still questions that arise among Christians, namely if God promised why the Israelites had difficulty entering the land of Canaan and occupying the land, there were even other nations left there. On this question, the author discusses the text that is in us, Joshua 12 and 13. Through this discussion, it is hoped that it can add insight to the readers about the conquest of nations and further strengthen the belief of today's believers that God's promises to His people are never broken.

Ketika Bangsa Israel keluar dari Mesir mereka dituntun Tuhan masuk kembali ke dalam tanah Kanaan sesuai dengan janji Allah kepada nenek moyangnya. Janji itu digenapi pada masa kepemimpinan Yosua. Maka dalam Kitab Yosua pasal 12 menceritakan tentang raja-raja yang telah dikalahkan pada masa kepemimpinan Musa dan Yosua serta pembagian tanah perjanjian kepada suku-suku Israel. Sedangkan Yosua pasal 13 menceritakan negeri-negeri yang tertinggal dan belum ditaklukkan oleh Yosua setelah ia menjadi tua dan lanjut umur. Selain itu, pasal ini memberikan kembali laporan tentang penaklukan Musa atas Sihon dan Og serta pembagian tanah Kanaan kepada suku-suku Israel. Musa berulang kali menyampaikan kepada bangsa Israel tentang tanah Kanaan untuk mengingatkan mereka bahwa Allah setia terhadap janji kepada umat pilihan-Nya. Namun masih ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul dikalangan orang Kristen, yaitu jika Allah yang berjanji mengapa bangsa Israel mengalami kesulitan masuk ke dalam tanah Kanaan dan menduduki negri itu, bahkan ada bangsa-bangsa lain yang tertinggal di sana. Atas pertanyaan ini maka penulis membahas teks yang ada dalam kita Yosua 12 dan 13. Melalui pembahasan ini, diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan para pembaca tentang penaklukan terhadap bangsa-bangsa dan semakin meneguhkan keyakinan orang percaya masa kini bahwa janji Allah kepada umat-Nya tidak pernah ingkar.


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How to Cite
Limpele, Stefanus, and Rosnila Hura. “Analisis Teks Yosua Pasal 12 Dan 13 Tentang Penaklukan Bangsa-Bangsa Di Tanah Kanaan”. Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH) 4, no. 2 (December 30, 2022): 294-307. Accessed April 18, 2024.
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